Read about my mobile device apps, blog, and other projects.

Recent Posts

Convert Trunk Notes To Plain Markdown

This shell script converts one or more Trunk Notes files to plain markdown. It removes the first 7 lines and touches the modification date to match the Times...

Prepare Your iPhone for Sale

You just bought that shiny new iPhone 5 and told your spouse that you can sell your old iPhone to pay for the new one. I won’t get into the middle of a spous...


We sometimes complain about government limitations on our freedom. We sometimes complain about misuse at the hands of big corporations.

iOS 5 Caches Directory

This is a potentially very serious usability problem with iOS 5. Read Marco Arment’s blog about the change in how iOS 5 handles the Caches directory.

Best iPhone 4S Commentary

In commenting on the iPhone 4S launch, John Gruber of Daring Fireball and Horace Dediu of Asymco hit the proverbial nail on the head.

We Can’t Stand the Truth

We can’t stand the truth and Ron Schiller was fired from NPR because of it. He said, “Frankly, it is very clear that we would be better off in the long run w...

Ina Ruwa for iOS 4 is Coming Soon

Because of my concern for the viability of MonoTouch for App Store apps, I’ve rewritten Ina Ruwa in Objective-C. That’s why there’s been no updates for so lo...

“Steal This Ebook”

Joe Konrath is running an experiment concerning ebook piracy. Read “Steal This Ebook” on his blog.

Is This the End for MonoTouch?

Many bits have been spilled on the alleged changes to section 3.3.1 of Apple’s iPhone developer agreement. John Gruber broke the story on Daring Fireball. Hu...

An American Parable

A wealthy businessman planned a long vacation to travel around the world. He entrusted some of his affairs to three of his employees. To one, he gave $50,000...

MonoTouch Binding for AdMob

Update 10/11/09: Fixed code display. Update 01/05/2010: Download a MonoDevelop project sample at This i...

MonoTouch Goes Live

Belated congratulations to the MonoTouch team: MonoTouch went live last week with version 1.0 while I was away from my MacBook on work-related travel. I didn...

MonoTouch Sample Code: UITableView

I’m just going to come right out and say it: I hate Objective-C. In Introduction to The Objective-C 2.0 Programming Language, Apple writes:

VMWare Fusion and Windows 7

While struggling with how to transition to a new Mac while using Microsoft Money, I’ve been alternating between using my old Windows Vista machine directly o...

Quicken Financial Life for Mac

Dual-booting Mac OS X and Windows 7 was not working very well for me to use Microsoft Money. I typically use Excel along with Money to plan which bills to pa...

What I miss most from Windows on a Mac

Beyond Compare: I have yet to find a better file/folder sync and poor man’s backup solution on Windows and nothing equivalent on Mac. Truly, it is beyond com...

Boot Camp and Windows 7

If you want to try the Windows 7 Beta with Mac Boot Camp, go for it. The article, Using Boot Camp to install Windows 7 on your Mac: The Complete Walkthrough,...

MacBook: False Start

Mac OS X takes a little getting used to for a Windows user, but I’m warming up to it. Having Unix again after all those years of Windows and DOS command prom...

Re-ordered the Macbook

I ordered the Macbook from a place that didn’t have them in stock and who would have ordered it from Apple. Unfortunately, Apple has just discontinued the no...

Ordered a Macbook

I’ve built several Windows Mobile apps and one iPhone web app with the framework. I was in the process of learning GWT because it uses Java plus i...